Ready for the next step of your life?

So you are interested in Job Corps? That is awesome.

I am here to assist you in every way that I can.

Make sure that I always have accurate phone numbers and email addresses for you, it makes it easier to reach you. I am going to depend on you to get the steps below done and to do so in a timely manner.

It is crucial to keep in contact with me throughout this entire process.

If you want to change your life, get a trade, and be successful...I am going to help you...

Welcome to the Admissions Process!

Thank you for your interest! To gain admission, you will complete just a few steps.

Keep this site bookmarked and refer back to as we go through the application process together. The entire process involves several steps and you are not “in Job Corps” until the application process is complete and your application has been submitted.

Only when the entire process is done and you have been accepted, will you be given a date or time to report to your assigned Job Corps Center.

Also, understand that you do not pick what Job Corps Center you go to. You are assigned to the nearest center, within the Atlanta Region* that has available slots for the trade that you will choose to study.

Now let's get started with the steps...

*The Atlanta Region (Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, North and South Carolina)

Step One.

Let’s watch this short video about Job Corps

A new chapter is waiting for you!  

Step Two

Gather your documents and come to an Info Session...

You will need to attend an “info session”. You must be on time…dressed for an interview and ready to participate. 

When you are ready to apply, you will gather your documents. You will need: 

  • Picture ID or Driver's License

  • Social Security Card

  • Birth Certificate

  • Proof of Low income (proof of low income got example a letter from SSI, food stamps, Snap, welfare, any kind of public assistance). If you are NOT on public assistance, I need either one month of pay stubs or the statement of support form that is attached filled out completely.

  • Diploma/GED If you don't have a diploma or GED, Text me the name of the last school you attended and the city it is in.

  • Prior Addresses Also, if you have lived at any address where you live currently in the past three years.

Also, as a reminder. I cannot process your application without your documents. 

Print This Chart!

You can use it to keep track of your steps that you need to complete.

You will need to do weekly check in’s while we are doing your application.  It will be a quick weekly video call via Google Meet that will be at 4 PM on your assigned day.  This weekly video call will be to make sure that you are on trek with getting your application process done.  

Once you have completed your application and signed your Privacy Act and HIPAA disclosure, you will need to book a call with me.  We will spend about 30 minutes on the phone talking about behavior as well as health history.




After we have finished our final review of the app, it will be turned in.  Once it arrives at the Job Corps center where you will be assigned, that particular Job Corps center will contact you to verify all of your health info and talk to you about when you will scheduled to arrive.  PLEASE NOTE:  This step takes some time.


Throughout this process, you MUST maintain contact with me and make sure that I can always reach you by phone and email. If your phone gets turned off, you need to email me immediately to let me know. I need to speak with you EVERY WEEK.  This will help let me know that you are still interested and that all the steps are being done.

Contact me.

I can be reached at


 I can be reached on Fridays from 8-12 and then 2-5.

 If you call or text outside of those hours

you will NOT reach me.*

by phone at

504-434-2739 or 504-43H-ARDY.

*If you call or text and it’s not during that time or on a holiday, your message will be returned when I return to the office.

Email me at